Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Christening the blog!

Well, where to start?

Lets put it this way, while putting this whole thing together over the last hour or so the following has happened in my house (of 6, 21 year old females might I add)...

1.) A scandal (of course) has surfaced regarding one of our friends and one of our previous, ahem, professors
2.) An entire GALLON of nail polish remover has been opened, and you think I'm joking? I'll post a picture of it, you'll see, and entire flipping gallon of the stuff
3.) An argument over a pizza box has arose
4.) Plans for dancing in the city on Friday night already set

Needless to say, the house we all share is never boring. Whether we're fighting, drinking, laughing, singing, or just stomping around in high heels on a Tuesday afternoon there is always an endless amount of entertainment.

Five of us actually spent the last semester all studying abroad in Florence, Italy...I will talk about this a lot, haha, not because it wasn't the greatest experience of my life, but because everything else around me is sick of hearing about it.

Okay okay though I feel like I should set some goals for this blog, you know, something to work towards, and maybe something you guys could be excited about? Maybe? Yes? Good, moving on...to another list that is! (this, list making, is another thing I have a terrible habit of doing, my life isn't really organized so I like to make lists to pretend it is).

1.) Relay as accurately as possible the ridiculousness that are the lives of me and my friends. We like to get into mischief, and generally just try to laugh 24/7 so if that means playing dress up and riding the campus bus around just to make ourselves giggle, so be it.
2.) Make your keyboards slippery with drool with the innumerable things I cook, bake, grill, mix, blah blah blah and the large quantity of photos that result.
3.) Inspire any and all of you to pick up a paintbrush, pen, pair of scissors, pot of modge podge, can of paint, etc and create....well, anything. My most recent project was this cubby-hole of a bedroom that I rent for $525/Month. Ah the things you can do with some paint, pictures, and spool of ribbon!
4.) Document this should-be final year of college in all of its bittersweet goodness. From the stresses of graduating, working, trying to find a "real" job, finishing my internship, maintaining some kind of mediocre GPA, loving my BSRB (Big Sexy Rugby Boyfriend, Duhhh) and making the most of having all my friends in the same place for what could be the last time...tear.

So should I stray from these goals just remind me, otherwise, here's to the posts to come...may they look delicious, make you laugh, and maybe even inspire a trip to the craft store. I'm going to be as real as possible, which means I just might recite to you the drunken tale of the previous night that ended in me changing my facebook picture to that of Paula Dean (true story) otherwise...enjoy!

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